Translation Caucus

Formed in 2004, the Translation Caucus of the African Literature Association (TRACALA) is an organization of translation scholars and practitioners who are committed to the aims and objectives of the African Literature Association (ALA). Its goals and objectives are to: establish a network of translators, scholars, teachers, practitioners and publishers doing work on African, African Diaspora and African influenced cultures including other artistic and cultural productions; ensure the continued examination of the issues related to the interaction of languages, and cultures through translation; promote translation, teaching, scholarship and the practice of translation in relation to African and African Diaspora literatures; and promote a general interest in, and awareness of African and African influenced cultures through translation.


Chair: Keith Plethe,

Secretary: Allison Charette

Join Us

We are keen to develop our membership as it is only through them that TRACALA can grow. Membership fees are applicable for the year and stand at $15.00 and $5 for students and for members in Africa. Both old and new members are invited to pay their dues before or at each ALA Annual Conference.

