JALA: Volume 1, No. 1

Winter/Spring 2007
Abioseh Porter, Editor

Table of Contents

32nd Annual Conference-WVU. Highlight and Preliminary Program

Introducing Nawal El Saadawi: A bio Bibliography 
Soraya Mekerta

Reading Syl Cheney-Coker: Selected Annotated Bibliography
Mark Lilleleht

M. Tierno Monembo
Elisa Diallo

Tierno Monembo, un ecrivain engage et engaeant 
Bagnini Kohoun

The Role of the Narratee in the Production of Meaning from Textual Discourse: The Example of Mariama Bâ's So Long a Letter
Ada U. Azodo

Soyinka, Tutu, and the Globalization of African Humanism
Aaron Eastley

Filled with Voice/Emptied of Self: Reading and Teaching African Feminist Consciusness in Lauretta Ngcobo's And They Didn't Die
Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis

African Jekyls and Hydes: Benjamin Kwakye's Study of Double Personalities in The Sun By Night 
Eustace Palmer

From Censure to Pleasure: The Development of Igbo Satire 
Christina Ohale

Issues of Discourse and Decolonization 
Kenneth W. Harrow

L'Estrange destin de Wangiri and the Representation of the BourgeoisieMohamed Kamara

The Depiction of Masculinity in Classic Nigerian Literature
Frank Salamone

Jazz in Drum: An Ambiguous Discourse • The Short Stories in the 1950s
Leif Lorentzon

The Crushing: Solomon Plaatje's Mhundi
Timothy Johns

Homage to Aime Cesaire, Our Grand Man of Letters
F. Abiola Irele

Half a Century; Fifteenth Anniversary of the Congress of Black Writers
N. Osundare

Atukwei Okai, Naana Horne, Niyi Osundare, T. Ojaide, and Dorethea Smartt



O Hero! (The hero)
Marlon M. Bailey

A History of South African Literature
Christopher Heywood

African Philosophy: The Pharanoic Period
Ramenga Osotsi

Black Africans in Renaissance Europe
Kali Nicole Gross


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